February 1st, 2024, at IG Live, In Conversation with Alastair Grant
April 8th, 2025, at IATEFL 2025, Edinburgh, UK, Developing strategies to address AI issues
February 9th, 2024, at Buenos Aires English High School, Buenos Aires, Argentina, GenAI Basic Tools for Teachers
March 5th, 2024, at CIBADIST webinar, Argentina, IA: ¿el futuro de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje?
March 16th, 2024, at IATEFL LTSIG Open Forum, UK, Keeping abreast of technological advances: can we win the race?
April 16th, 2024, at IATEFL 2024, Brighton, UK, Opening Plenary: The AI factor: have we figured it out yet?
May 17th, 2024, at IATEFL LTSIG online event, UK, AI prompting issues and strategies
June 21st, 2024, at GrenActionELT webinar, UK, AI and Climate Change: Friends or Foes?
July 20th, 2024, at BrazTesol International Conference, Goiania, Brazil, Plenary: Developing strategies to address AI issues
August 5th, 2024, at UDLA online event, Chile, Workshops: AI-Powered Language Learning Apps and Tools, Creating AI-Enhanced Digital Storytelling Projects & AI for Personalized Learning in EFL
August, 2024, at ELTONS, UK, Panel judge
September 7th, 2024, at IH Spring Conference online, Uruguay, The AI factor: have we figured it out yet? (Richmond)
September 20th, 2024, at FAAPI Conference online, Argentina, Plenary: Making the most of PBL and technology
October 19th, 2024, at ATESL Conference online, Canada, Plenary: Embracing technology for the right reasons
November 22nd, 2024, at Transparency in ELT and Research event, Universita di Verona, Italy, The AI factor: perspectives, issues and strategies
December 8th, 2024, at Sustainability and Language Learning online event, LTSIG and University of Warwick, UK, Final panel discussion moderator
April 17th, 2023, at IATEFL 2023, Harrogate, UK, LTSIG PCE, LTSIG representation
April 18th, 2023, at IATEFL 2023, Harrogate, UK, Digital Collaboration 101: tasks for the online and face to face classroom
April 19th, 2023, at IATEFL 2023, Harrogate, UK, LTSIG Showcase, LTSIG representation
June 8, 2023, at Sensations English webinars, Planning meaningful learning experiences with video in ELT
July 27-28, 2023, at Share Convention 2023, Artificial Intelligence: your new language teaching asssitant?
October 7th, 2023, at EAQUALS Online Conference, Plenary: Artificial Intelligence: the future of teaching and learning?
October 18th, 2023, at ICPNA Teacher Development Online Event, Techniques and ideas for teaching grammar effectively and communicatively in online settings (Pearson)
October 27th, 2024, at CLL webinars, Artificial Intelligence: the future of teaching and learning?
November 5th, 2023, at QLS Greece webinar, Workshop: Artificial Intelligence: the future of teaching and learning?
March 4th-6th, 2022, at TESOL Spain online, Opening Plenary: Embracing technology for the right reasons
May 16th, 2022, at IATEFL 2022, Belfast, UK, LTSIG PCE, LTSIG representation
May 17th, 2022, at IATEFL 2022, Belfast, UK, LTSIG Showcase, LTSIG representation
May 19th, 2022, at IATEFL 2022, Belfast, UK, Coding tasks: computational thinking makes its way to the classroom
June 17, 2022, at JALT CALL Online, Playful coding tasks: computational thinking makes its way to the language classroom
July 4, 2022, at Troika Experience 2022, Coding tasks: computational thinking makes its way to the classroom
July 28-29, 2022, at Share Convention 2022, Digital Collaboration 101: tasks for the face-to-face and online classroom
May 6th, 2021, at Sensations English webinars, Best practices for teaching with video synchronoulsy (Sensations English)
May 8th, 2021, at IELI Happy Hour, Instagram Live Interview
June 19th, 2021, at IATEFL Online Conference 2021, Exploring the SDGs through digital projects in primary education​
June 21st, 2021, at IATEFL Online Conference 2021, LTSIG representation
July 24th, 2021, at Share Convention 2021, How Computational Thinking can innovate the way we teach English. Coding tasks for English language learners
September 1st, 2021, at Richmond Solution Week 2021, A conversation about Education and Technology
September 4th, 2021, at IATEFL LTSIG PCE, LTSIG representation
September 30th, 2021, at TiLT webinar series, Exploring the Sustainable Development Goals through digital projects in primary education
November 25th, 2021, at British Council New Ways of teaching webinar series, Remote Teaching.
November 27th-28th, at CyTEA Annual Conference online, LTSIG representation.
February 13th, 2020, at IH Montevideo Summer Conference 2020, Montevideo, Uruguay, Teaching English through projects: a checklist
February 23rd, 2020, at TESOL webinars, Ways of promoting creativity in the classroom
July 7th, 2020, at British Council Teaching English Live Facebook Q&A, Ways to promote learner autonomy
February-November, 2019, at different schools, Ways of promoting creativity in the classroom, Implementing digital storytelling with young learners and teens and Literature meets technology, Essential Secondary Digital Toolbox, Principles for meaningful technology integration (Santillana Compartir)
June 7th-8th, 2019, at FEBI Convention, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, The benefits of blended learning (Pearson)
June 7th, 2019, at UPSA, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Developing and evaluating speaking and writing with technology (Pearson)
July 19th, 2019, at 10th Southern Cone TESOL, Curitiba, Brazil, Rediscovering the coursebook: an exciting journey! (SaumellSimonetti)
August 1st, 2019, at Share Convention 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina, How to use choice boards to engage and empower your students (SaumellSimonetti)
September 14th, 2019, at IH Montevideo Spring Conference, Motevideo, Uruguay, Giving learners a voice through meaningful projects (Pearson)
September 27th, at 24th Britanico Annual Teachers' Convention, Lima, Peru, Ways of promoting creativity in the classroom (Pearson)
October 5th, 2019, at IATEFL Online Conference, Digital Projects to spark language use, creativity and engagement
April 10th, 2018, at IATEFL 2018, Brighton, UK, Implementing a Project Based Learning programme: a step-by-step guide
May-August, 2018, at different schools, Ways of promoting creativity in the classroom, Implementing digital storytelling with young learners and teens and Making the most of free web apps (Santillana Compartir)
July 22nd, 2018, at BRAZ-TESOL 2018, Caxias do Sul, Brazil, Literature meets technology: creative ideas to make it work!
July 24th, 2018, webinar for Laureate Universities, Rediscovering the coursebook: an exciting journey!
April 5th, 2017, at IATEFL 2017, Glasgow, UK, Meaningful use of digitally-enhanced projects (SaumellSimonetti)
July 28th, 2017, at Share Convention 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Rediscovering the coursebook: an exciting journey! (SaumellSimonetti)
August 12th, 2017, at SS Storytelling Starter Kit event, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Digital storytelling (SaumellSimonetti)
September 2nd, 2017, at FAAPI 2017, Posadas, Argentina, Creating technology-enhanced language learning materials
September 8th, 2017, at 2017 Expo Idiomas, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Storytelling for everyone! (SaumellSimonetti)
September 27th, 2017, IV Jornadas Internacionales sobre formación e investigación en lenguas y traducción, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Recorridos didácticos enriquecidos con TIC en la clase de inglés
October 27th, 2017, at Congreso Nacional Aulas Conectadas, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Recorridos didácticos en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje para la clase de inglés
February 20th, 2016, at EFL Talks Answers, Do you think blogging is a way of growing your career?
April 12th, 2016, at IATEFL LTSIG and YLTSIG Pre conference event, Birmingham, UK, Digital Storytelling with Adobe Voice
July 15th, 2016, at BRAZ-TESOL 2016, Brasilia, Brazil, Digitally-enhanced primary classroom activities
July 28th, 2016, at Share Convention 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Active learning with technology in the primary classroom
September 15th-17th, 2016, at FAAPI 2016, San Juan, Argentina, Digitally-enhanced primary classroom activities
December 3rd, 2016, at EFL Talks webinars for Ecuatesol, Ecuador, Meaningful use of digitally-enhanced projects
April 12th, 2015, at IATEFL 2015, Manchester, UK, Principles for meaningful technology integration
May 25th to June 3rd, 2015, at ICPNA Lima, ICPNA Cusco, ICPNA Tarapoto and ICPNA Chiclayo, Peru, Motivating learners through innovative learning tasks, The methodology labrynth, Innovative learning tasks for intermediate+ learners (Pearson)
July 9th, 2015, at LABCI 2015, Montevideo, Uruguay, Ways of promoting creativity in the classroom
July 30th, 2015, at Share Convention 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Creative teachers + creative students = better learning
September 28th, 2015, at CUP webinars, Digitally-enhanced primary classroom activities (CUP)
January 6th, 2014, at IGA, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, English in Common training session (Pearson)
January 8th-9th, 2014, at IGA, Guatemala, Guatemala, English in Common Training session (Pearson)
February 18th, 2014, at 15th International Conference for Teachers of English and English Coordinators, Montevideo, Uruguay, Speaking homework: illusion or reality? and The benefits of blended learning (Pearson)
April 3rd, 2014, at IATEFL 2014, Harrogate, UK, Ways of promoting creativity in the classroom
May 1st, 2014, at BRAZ-TESOL 2014, Joao Pessoa, Brazil, Ways of promoting creativity in the classroom
May 24th, 2014, at TOSCON14, Toronto, Canada, Guided discovery for language instruction (Pearson)
August 10th, 2014, at 11th Anglo Congress, Montevideo, Uruguay, Principles for meaningful technology integration (CUP)
September 2014, at CUP webinars, Essential Digital Primary Toolbox (CUP)
September 27th, 2014, at CUP event, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Principles for meaningful technology integration (CUP)
October 2014, at Pearson webinars, A balanced adult session (Pearson)
April 9th, 2013 at IATEFL 2013, Liverpool, UK, Attracting a real audence for learners through e-publishing
July 19th, 2013 at Casa Thomas Jefferson Conference. Brasilia, Brazil, Meaningful use of web 2.0 projects (Pearson)
July 23rd, 2013 at Livraria Martins Forbes, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Uso de proyectos con herramientas web 2.0 (Pearson)
July 26th, 2013 at Pearson TDC+, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Meaningful use of web 2.0 projects (Pearson)
August-September, 2013, At Colegio del Jacaranda, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Teaching with technology workshop
September 27th, 2013, at FAAPI 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Exploring identity and culture through creative tasks and technology
October 13th, 2013, at ACINNE 2013, Recife, Brazil, Speaking homework: illusion or reality?
February 2012, at Pro-T conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Web 2.0 Project Based Learning
March 2012, at Pearson events , Monterrey, Puebla, Cuernavaca and Mexico City, Mexico, Guided discovery for language instruction and CEFR: speaking a common language (Pearson)
March and May 2012, at Pearson webinars, The benefits of blended learning (Pearson)
March 2012, at IATEFL 2012, Glasgow, UK, Implementing digital storytelling with teens
April 2012, at Pearson events, Quito and Guayaquil, Ecuador, Guided discovery for language instruction and English in Common Training session (Pearson)
May 2012, at Ven TESOL, Valencia, Venezuela, Guided discovery for language instruction (Pearson)
May 2012, at Pearson events, Caracas, Venezuela, English in Common training session (Pearson)
September 2012, at 3rd TeachMeet International, online, Digital books in a flash
October 2012, at Universidad de La Sabana, Bogota, Colombia, Guided discovery for language instruction (Univesidad de La Sabana)
October 2012, at CLIL Symposium, Barranquilla, Colombia, CLIL and cultural diversity, CLIL and ICT: a good match?, Blended learning and CEFR: speaking a common language (Pearson)
October 2012, at Pearson events, Cuzco, Arequipa, Chiclayo, Trujillo and Lima, Peru, Guided discovery for language instruction, Cultural awareness and diversity in the adult classroom, Developing and evaluating speaking and writing with technology and English in Common training session (Pearson)
July 2011, at LABCI 2011, Asuncion, Paraguay, Web 2.0 Project Based Learning
July 2011 at 9th Southern Cone TESOL, Curitiba, Brazil, Web 2.0 Project Based Learning
March 2010, at International Online Conference, Making the most of web apps
July 2010, at Congreso Internacional de Lenguas Identitarias, Resistencia, Chaco, TKT: what's in it for you? (Pearson)
September 2010, at FAAPI 2010, Cordoba, Argentina, EFL, Art and Technology mashup: a recipe for success
October 2010, at 3rd Virtual Round Table, Using startpages to organize your personal and school online resources
November 2010, at Global Education Conference, Using wikis for in-service professional development
April 2009, at ABS e-schooling conference, Santiago, Chile, Making the most of web apps