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Interviews and Webinars

IATEFL 2024, Brighton, UK, Opening Plenary: The AI factor: have we figured it out yet?

A conversation about technology and education in general, hybrid models and the role of the teacher for Richmond Solution Week (2021)

Best practices for teaching with video synchronously  webinar for Sensations English (2021)

Ways to promote learner autonomy Q&A by Teaching English (2020)

Interview at IATEFL Birmingham 2016 by Paul Braddock (April 2016)


Interview at IATEFL Manchester 2015 by Paul Braddock (April, 2015)

Interview at IATEFL Liverpool 2013 by Jeremy Harmer (April, 2013)


Pecha Kucha ¨The Power of Choice¨ at IATEFL Glasgow 2012 (March, 2012)

Support teachers to empower them - Interview at IATEFL Glasgow 2012 by Edulang (March, 2012)

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